Well Mimi and Pa have hit the road again. We can hear Ole Willie breaking it down as we write…you know “On the Road again…” yeah you get it. So it is Spring Break week and we thought hey, lets go camping. Cool, good idea. But where?
The where is always a really good question for us. We never quite settle that question until we actually get in Van the Man, our trusted 91 VW Vanagon Weekender edition. Van has learned to just be ready to go where ever we end up pointing him…he’s very compliant. All we knew for sure was that we had to find some sunshine…Mimi even painted her toenails so she could wear her flip flops. It is a must…sunshine.
So after church on Sunday, we got Van all loaded up and headed south…towards the Southern beaches of Oregon. On the way, we had sunshine…and rain…and hail…and gusty winds that caused Pa to try and wrench Van back into the appropriate lane. Like a wild stallion he was all over the place…Pa’s gentle guiding hand kept him contained to his lane.
But the weather was not looking good going over the Coast Range…there was snow…yeah real snow. It’s March for goodness sakes, how bout a little warmth and sunshine. We get to the coast and it is sunny again…nice…but still very windy.
So we settle in a place called Washburne St Park. Lots of empty spaces available, another hazard of not having reservations…often we are left with no room in the inn. But we found a nice spot that actually had a few rays of sunshine bearing down on it. We made a quick French Press of coffee and grabbed the chairs and plopped down in the sunshine. Nothing compares to kicking back in the woods with sunshine bearing down on you…it is a different warmth…unlike any other…it’s all good.
After coffee, Mimi says let’s go down to the beach. Sure thing, it’s nice and warm in my little sweatshirt. So off we go through this little Hobbit forest and on to the beach. Mimi is feeling all goo goo inside and writes a little Mimi loves Pa in the sand. But Pa is starting to feel the brunt of the cold…it is like 38 degrees outside with a really stiff wind chill factor. But Pa being Pa he just toughs it out…reluctantly.
Then from off the ocean comes this crazy something with winds doubling in strength and hail pelting us from the sky like God raining down BB’s from the sky. Ouch!!!! Mimi and Pa take off running for shelter and duck under a covering of Hobbit trees as the torrent passes. Wow…what an experience…
While these experiences are really cool and all…least we forget…we came for some sunshine. Pa is cold…I mean bone chilled. Maybe the next stop for Van the Man is Las Vegas…I hear they have sunshine there.
Good luck finding sun in Vegas...it was 40-60 degrees, rain, and windy!!!! Still managed to lose some money though! Glad you two are getting away....continued blessings on your time together! Love ya both, Kelly